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Klaviyo Monthly Management

Ideal for businesses that don't want to hire directly in-house or don't have the time to manage email marketing.

Klaviyo Monthly Management

Choose one of our monthly services that best fits your brand or product.

Ideal for businesses that don’t want to hire directly in-house or don’t have the time to manage email marketing, we can generate more revenue from strategic tailored marketing campaigns - just for you.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is by far the most effective revenue generating tool that a brand has and when managed effectively, it’s also the most cost effective by leaps and bounds.

Cheaper than both Meta and google ads, email marketing generates ongoing revenue from an audience that has already committed to your brand.

Like cost per wear, repeat marketing to an existing email list becomes cheaper and cheaper the more revenue you generate from your captured audience.

Have you wondered if your email strategy could be better?


  • Is your email branding at the level you know it should be?

  • Do your emails tell the story of your brands values and purpose?

  • Is your audience being nurtured frequently enough?

  • Are you stuck in a discounting strategy?

  • Are your automations & campaigns engineered to generate revenue?

  • Have you wondered how much revenue you're missing by not having a specialised email strategy?

We handle all of the above, and more.

Our email configuration and management expertise paired with high level ecommerce knowledge can take your email revenue sky high.

Discover our email management services.

More cost-effective than an in-house email marketing manager, with over 15 years of top-level brand and email marketing expertise.

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